I have not received my online check-in email

Please note this information is for performances of The Play That Goes Wrong and Christmas Carol Goes Wrong only. There is no venue check-in process for The Comedy About Spies.
Tickets for The Play That Goes Wrong and Christmas Carol Goes Wrong are only issued following successful completion of an Online Check-in with the venue. Whether you received the Online Check-in email will depend on the date and time of your booked performance:
Nimax Theatres will send you an email with a personalised link to your Online Check-in no less than 72 hours prior to the performance start time at about the same time of day as the performance is scheduled to commence. The email will come from an @nimaxtheatres.com email address, please look out for this email.
If you have not received your online check-in email from Nimax Theatres and it is now less than 72 hours prior to the performance start time, please click here.