I want to know about Nimax online check-in

I want to know about Nimax online check-in

AlertPlease note this information is for performances of The Play That Goes Wrong and Christmas Carol Goes Wrong only. There is no venue check-in process for The Comedy About Spies.

  • Approx 72 hours before your performance you will receive an email containing a check-in link from NIMAX Theatres. For example, if your performance commences at 8pm on a Saturday, the venue will email you at approximately 8pm on Wednesday - Please look out for this email it will be sent from an @nimaxtheatres.com email address also checking your junk, spam and deleted mail folders.  
  • Some email providers also create a folder called All Mail (for example, Gmail does this) or 'Other' (for example, Hotmail and Live do this).  If you have a folder with one of those names you should check it as well if you have not already done so. 
  • If you have not received the check-in email from Nimax Theatres 48 hours before you are due to attend the show please click here.   
  • The check in requires you to confirm that there is no reason of which you are aware why you or anyone in your party cannot attend the performance. You are not required to provide any test result or or medical information. 
  • If you confirm your attendance via the check-in link, Nimax Theatres will email you an e-ticket for admittance. 
  1. If you are unable to confirm your attendance via the checkin link and are no longer planning to attend the performance please click here.